This product is shareware and you are licensed to freely distribute the files provided herewith provided you do so free-of-charge. You are licensed to use this product for evaluation of itÆs usefulness. After 21 days of trial you should either discontinue use or pay $25.00 for a registered copy. Registration entitles you to a free registered copy of the first upgrade version for Windows 95 as well as a registered personal copy of this application with serial number, manual and any bug repairs as of the date submitted. See next upgrade below
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MTRXCALC Registration Order Form
Payments must be in US dollars drawn on a US bank, or you
can send international postal money orders in US dollars. Send the payment and this order form to
Merritt Sugg,
Little Rock, AR 72210.
Single Copy $25.00 each _______________
Additional copies with this order
______copies $12.00 each _______________
Total payment ______________
Distribution disk ______3.5" ______5.25ö.
Version WIN32s_____, WinNT3.5x_____, Windows95_____( Select one )
Street Address _______________________________________
City, State, Zip: _______________________________________
Country: _______________________________________
(There is a $5.00 shipping charge to Canada and $7.00 elsewhere outside the USA)
Electronic Mail address: CompuServe 74471,2337 or Internet 74471,
The first upgraded version of this application will have the minimum of the following:
any revisions required to allow this application to run properly on
the first release of Windows 95.
a more stable method of obtaining approximate eigenvectors
three or more of the following revisions or additions:
the single value decomposition,
availabilty of several matrix norms,
option to calculate in double precision real field mode,
option to calculate in rational field mode,
display options of real, complex, long display or short display,
larger matrices U,
direct entry of expressions in spread sheet,
dynamic data exchange with MS Excel and Quattro Pro,
copy and paste features.
The order of the maximum matrix which can be viewed and the size of the æspread sheetÆ will be determined by feed -back from you. Some alternatives are matrices displayed in one, two or four page displays or perhaps with tabbed dialogs.